A few weeks ago a very kind person called Claudio, who creates hope
for people suffering from Cluster Headache messaged Adrian and me:
Let me tell you first what CH is before we get into more details:
Quoting from Wikipedia :
"Cluster headache is probably the worst pain that humans experience. I
know that’s quite a strong remark to make, but if you ask a cluster
headache patient if they’ve had a worse experience, they’ll universally
say they haven't. Women with cluster headache will tell you that an
attack is worse than giving birth. So you can imagine that these people
give birth without anesthetic [several] times a day. Many cluster
headache sufferers have committed suicide, leading to the nickname
"suicide headaches" for cluster headaches.
Now we
are both working on something that can help people with this condition,
he makes a song and I will make a picture so that when the people are in
pain there is something that can calm them a bit in some way, we know
it is not much, but we want to do anything we can for those people.
Adrian will allow this song to be downloaded for free so that the
message can be spread as wide as possible, that it can reach any person
under this situation and hopefully help them in their worst moments.
Cluster Headaches can attack anyone anytime and there isnt really a cure
or something that can stop the pain, many people have chosen to stop
living instead of having to live with these horrific pains...We wish
that CH would have never existed and until they can find a cure, we want
that everyone spreads love and positive thoughts.
We want to give warmth and hope in any way we can to anyone that suffers from CH.
As one of those, who suffer from Cluster Headaches, I would really like to thank you for all of your work. I am listening to Adrian's music for quite a while now and it always helped me to achieve success, whatever the odds were. The headaches started recently and as such are a very strong memories still. I would describe them as being Force-burned by Force Lightning, if you have ever seen Star Wars. Luckily I have a great girlfriend and family, that helps me a lot. And seeing you two working together is a miracle. I wish you both only the best and keep up the good work! Thank you!