Nov 15, 2012

Hello there people all over the world seeing this message now...!!!
Carina here...!!!!
I want to firstly thank you for all the feedback you have given to our blog until now, it has made us both so happy to see people viewing and commenting and that they are interested in seeing more and more updates about what MY Talented Beloved Muffy Adrian von Ziegler is working...*giggles*!!!.

Some updates that I can give you for now is that he is working on two huge projects, however I think it is better to keep people excited about it! I can promise you that it is very artistic and it will most likely please everyone! He has to work a lot but believe me that is worth the wait for these projects.

Apart from that what can I say...He is so adorable now working on a very dark song and in the next hours he is working perhaps on a spanish song... *giggles again*...!!!.

Keeping you more updated soon...!!!
Thank you for reading (=.


  1. Hi Carina and Adrian!!!

    First of all, thank you for sharing your art with us. When you publish your art make us feel very, very well. Guys, you are an exceptional artists!

    Thanks for all


  2. Spanish music! Awesome! i love spanish themes, they have that something special in their rythm that makes your entire body vibrate and want to dance :P. Salutations for both of you, Carina and your dear muffy! (keep your work up, you inspirate a lot of us!)

  3. Hello there guys! I just want to tell you how I really enjoy Adrian's music, it is one of my fav sources of inspiration everytime I get to work in my drawings. I also love your artwork Carina, you're both so talented. Greetings*
    By the way, spanish sounds great, my first tongue is also spanish :)

  4. Everything thus far sounds wonderful--keep up the good work. I look forward to these projects.
